Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting our website. This site exists as a partnership between Stoney Creek Wine Press and San Antonio Winery, and as such, access to and use of this site are governed by the terms and conditions set forth by both of these entities, and subject to all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations. By browsing, visiting, or otherwise accessing or using this site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth below.

Copyright Notice

This site is protected by the copyright laws of Canada and the United States, and may be protected by the copyright laws of other countries and jurisdictions. Except as specifically permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the use of this site, any copy, other reproduction, display, performance, or retransmission of all or any of the contents of this site is strictly prohibited. All rights are reserved. Please see the section below entitled Notice Concerning the Use of Documents, Images, and Information on This Site.

Trademark Notice

San Antonio Winery, and the other tradenames under which we do business are all trademarks of San Antonio Winery. Except as specifically permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the use of this site, any use of such trademarks or tradenames is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent. In addition, the names, tradenames, and trademarks of third parties, including the clients of San Antonio Winery, may appear on this site from time to time. All such names, tradenames, and trademarks are proprietary to their respective owners and may be used only with the express written permission of their respective owners.

Use This Site at Your Own Risk

Every user who visits this site does so at his or her own risk. We make no representations or warranties of any kind as to and assumes no responsibility for (a) the accuracy or completeness of the information or materials contained in or any errors or omissions in the contents of this site (which may include factual or typographical errors and technical inaccuracies); (b) the availability for use of any copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise proprietary materials of third parties that may appear in this site; (c) the presence or absence of computer viruses or other bugs that third parties may embed in or attach to this site without our knowledge or consent; (d) any software made available for downloading, copying, or other use through this site; or (e) the merchantability, fitness for use, title, and non-infringement of any or all of the contents of this site.

We make no representation or warranty concerning the security of any data transmitted through this site, including information relating to potential employment or applications therefore or any other matter. We shall treat any data or information transmitted through this site as nonconfidential and nonproprietary.

Neither we, nor any other party involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this site or whose materials or information appear in this site assumes or accepts any liability, regardless of whether based on contract, negligence, intentional wrongdoing, or liability without fault, for any costs, losses or damages (whether direct, indirect, compensatory, special, lost profits, liquidated, consequential, or punitive) arising out of or in any way connected with the users access to, browsing of, or use of this site or any of the contents of this site, without regard to the source of such contents, or with the unavailability or failure of performance of this site for any reason.

Notice Concerning the Use of Documents, Images, and Information on This Site

Documents, Images, and Proprietary Information

Documents, images, and proprietary information, including the contents of the descriptions of businesses, biographical descriptions of its representatives and personnel, press releases, and other public notices, together with any associated graphic elements, may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, or otherwise used provided the following terms are adhered to strictly:

A copyright notice in the form © 2023 San Antonio Winery. Used with Permission. All Rights Reserved. must appear in every copy or reproduction of such materials. The materials may be used solely for non-commercial purposes, such as informational, entertainment, and personal use and shall not be further copied, uploaded to any network, intranet or Internet, rebroadcast or retransmitted, or otherwise disseminated in any medium without the express written permission of San Antonio Winery.

These materials may only be used in their entirety, without alteration, editing, condensation, or editorial comment, and any graphical elements contained in these materials may not be used separately from the other elements with which they are associated. These materials shall not be used to ridicule, disparage, harass, or annoy any party.

No other use of proprietary materials shall be permitted.

The materials available for use as set forth above do not include the design, layout, arrangement, or distinctive elements of this site or of any other Internet Website maintained by Stoney Creek Wine Press, San Antonio Winery, or their divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliated companies.

Documents, Images, Information, and Other Materials Proprietary to Others

The contents of this site may from time to time contain documents, images, information, and other materials that are proprietary to other parties, such as photographs; clip art; film clips; musical passages; audio track or sound effect elements; or the names, tradenames, trademarks, logos, or designations of third parties.

These materials may also include from time to time articles, data, information, images, artwork, graphics, music, audio, or other elements published in newspapers, magazines, or other media or venues and may include the name, tradename, or trademark of the medium or venue in which such materials were published.

Any use whatsoever of these materials outside of their intended use on this site is strictly prohibited unless the prior written permission of the appropriate third parties has been secured.

Unsolicited Materials

Please note that it is our policy not to accept or consider unsolicited creative, production-related, or other materials of any kind. We will consider any and all materials, including proposals, ideas, concepts, drafts, rough cuts, or finished work product submitted through this site not to be confidential or proprietary and to be freely available for use without compensation or payment of any kind.

Age Restriction

By ordering through this website, you agree that you are over 21 years of age. In instances where the legal age of either the purchaser or the intended recipient is questionable, we reserve the right to request proof of legal age, or cancel an order at our discretion.

Intended Use

All wine purchased through San Antonio Winery is intended for personal use. If it appears that your order is intended for resale, we may request proof of valid resale licensing.

Label Content Restrictions

We reserve the right to reject any label content at our discretion. The following are examples of image content in the foreground or background of photos that we may refuse to print:

  • Images or label content that could be perceived as violent, including hatred or cruelty to humans or animals, profanity, or obscenities.
  • Libelous, defamatory, sexually explicit, or other content we deem offensive. Racial/prejudicial or discriminatory subject matter.
  • Material that could infringe on the copyright or trademark rights of another party, including branded products, abbreviations, acronyms, logos or related symbols.
  • Celebrities such as actors, musicians, athletes, or cartoons. (Exceptions to this prohibition include permission-based photos of you, your family members or friends photographed with a famous person.)
  • Images used without the consent of the owner, including those downloaded from the internet.
  • Provocative, derogatory, or of a sexual content. Nudity or semi-nude images of adults or children.

Additionally, custom wine orders may not include misleading and/or incorrect wine identifying information. In the event that incorrect varietal, vintage, or ABV information is specified, we reserve the right to update your label content to match the wine you have purchased.

Call Us 1-323-986-2350
  Hours: M-F 9:00 am-5:00 pm PST   Email Us [email protected]